Posts tagged relationship with god
Season VI - Episode VIII

Keep your eyes wide open as Solomon reaps what he has sown in his marriage beds and is led astray to worship other gods beside Me by his very persuasive wives. I Kings 11 lays it all out in quick, efficient, tragic detail. Household shrines to the imposter “gods” simply wouldn’t do for the wives of so great a king, so he builds places for public worship of their “gods” on the nearest available bare hills, which are referred to as high places (with the thought of getting as physically close to their target “gods” as possible). I of course Am enthroned, enshrined and en-templed on the highest place in the region, but now the high places of other “gods” can been seen from atop My mount. I Am no longer the only God on Solomon’s menu.

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Season V - Episode XXIII

In the very least you’ve had a moment of real clarity and seen what’s truly important in life, and determined to spend your time on the important things instead of the urgent ones; but then the week happens and pulls you away from that center. You end up thinking, feeling, saying, doing things that are so you-centered, it seems impossible for you to have been in that worship/clarity zone anytime recently.

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Season III - Episode XVI

The point of this whole tabernacle tent project is what? Relationship. Don’t even think of getting tired of My saying that relationship is the point of pretty much everything I do. It’s corny but true, pal. Color Me yellow, but why else would I be having you listen to all this and slog through these slices of ancient history? In this instance, while I’m certainly keen on my relationship with Aaron, the point of THAT relationship is to maintain, foster, and nurture My relationship with the entire people of Israel. Kind of what I’m doing with Moses, but he’s one of a kind and is about to finish his kickstarter role. Aaron and his line are going to take up the mantel of sustainability here in a little bit, and that’s all built into the tabernacle and its workings. And speaking of sustainability, this week marks the one year anniversary of this podcast. So THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR LISTENING!!!

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